Showing posts with label Witchcraft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Witchcraft. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Skulferatu #131 - Ferrymuir, South Queensferry


The Ferrymuir is a busy patch of land on the outskirts of South Queensferry.  A small island of retail and hospitality that is circled by busy roads taking traffic to and from the Forth Bridges, and to and from the surrounding towns and villages.  A place of hustle and bustle, it boasts a Dakota hotel, a Tesco superstore, a couple of fast food outlets, some offices, and a small housing estate. All of this is relatively new though, as when I was a child the Ferrymuir was nothing more than a quiet, grassy field where a few cows grazed.  As children we never referred to it as the Ferrymuir, we knew it as the witches’ field, and that the local folklore was that several witches had been burned there.


A photo showing a parking lot full of cars with a large TESCO supermarket in the background.  Photo by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project.
Where they burned the witches


A photo of an urban looking area with a road and a Zebra Crossing.  There is a pavement lined with bushes across the road and a bland looking block of flats in the background. Photo by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project.


A photo showing a grassy area lined with trees and then a large black rectangular building in the background - a Dakota Hotel. Photo by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project.
Big black building


A Fisheye Lens photograph showing a curved representation of the big black Dakota building. Photo by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project.

A photo showing a Burger King fast food restaurant with a large and very blue sky above it. Photo by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project.
Low roof and big sky


A photo showing a big round sign with Burger King on it and a sign beneath pointing to the 'Drive Thru'. Photo by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project.
Fast Food


A photo showing an almost empty car park with just a trailer in it.  In the background is a low roofed building that appears to be derelict. Photo by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project.
Car park and blue sky


South Queensferry, like so many towns and villages in Scotland, has a dark, blood stained past linked to the Scottish Witch Trials of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.  Witch trials that so often seem to emanate from the influence of one religious zealot arriving in a town and deciding to rid it of those holding on to old superstitions, those they see as a nuisance, and anyone who annoys them or arouses their jealousy.  On the 1st of September 1641, just such a man arrived in the small town of South Queensferry, the new minister of the Kirk, one Ephraim Melville.


Melville was an enthusiastic pastor and a strict Presbyterian of the ‘Tartan Taliban’ type, who saw all around him the remnants of the Catholic faith.  In his eyes a faith of idolatry, a faith summed up in the superstitious practices and ‘preternatural fancies’ of many of those living in the town. To Melville these ‘Popish’ fancies were no better than devil worship and needed to be stamped out. It wasn’t long after his arrival in the town that he dragged it into a frenzied witch hunt.


The records of the witch trials in South Queensferry are patchy and incomplete, and I only have access to secondary records recording them, which adds another layer of confusion to what went on; however, it appears that at least thirteen women were accused of sorcery and using the dark arts.  Of these at least eight suffered the cruel and horrible fate of being burnt at the stake in the fields of Ferrymuir.


It all began in 1643 when Melville wrote in the parish records that on the 3rd of December an extraordinary session had been convened to call for the apprehension of Janet Lowrie and Helen Thomson for witchcraft.  The two women were then imprisoned that day.  It also appears that several other women were apprehended, including Helen Hill and her daughter Isobel Young.


Shortly after this, on the 5th of December, a woman from the town, Helen Young, approached Melville and made a complaint to him that Helen Dauline had called her a witch.  Both women were subsequently detained and imprisoned on suspicion of witchcraft, though the main reason for Helen Young’s detention appears to be because she was ‘old’.


Several more women were seized on suspicion of witchcraft and on the 14th of December it was noted that under questioning, or should that be torture, that three of those being held as witches, Elspeth Cant, Janet Lowrie and Helen Thomson had confessed and had also named Janet Mowbray and Marion Dauline as being witches.  These two women were then seized and imprisoned that day.  Then, for good luck, or maybe just because she was a bit of a nuisance, the local beggar, one Marion Stein was also seized and imprisoned.


While all this was going on, a tragedy hit the local community with the death of William Lowrie, a merchant from South Queensferry who was lost at sea, along with all his crew, when his ship sank in a storm.  Lowrie was a man of some significant standing, who had lived in a large house he’d had built for himself and his wife, Marion Speddie.  The house, which still stands on the High Street of the town is known as the ‘Black Castle’ and bears the initials of both Lowrie and Speddie on the dormer pediments.  This tragedy then took a darker turn when on the 6th of April 1644, Marion Little, who was the sister in law of William and was married to his brother James Lowrie, confessed to Melville that she had paid the ‘witch beggar’ called Marion Stein a dollar to ‘help to drowne William Lowrie’s shipe and company...’  We do not know the background to her confession or who had named her as a witch, but it is likely that it was obtained under torture and duress, as at a session of the church it had been decided that anyone accused of being a witch was to be held in irons and denied any sleep while they were in custody.  No doubt the usual humiliations and tortures were also used along with this.


A photo of a very old black house that sits on a cobbled street.  On the right hand side steps run down by it, and on the left the street continues with various old looking houses on it. Photo by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project.
The Black Castle


On the 21st of July 1644, at a further session of the church it was decided that James Lowrie should be ordered to pay for the execution of his wife Marion Little and the execution of Marion Stein.  The records of this meeting also disclose that another woman, Catherine Logie, was to be executed with them.  It is not recorded what part she was meant to have played in the death of William Lowrie, but it was ordered that her goods and belongings were to be seized to pay for her burning, and that if there was any shortfall James Lowrie was to make up the difference.  It would appear that not long after this session of the church, that Little, Stein and Logie were led from the Tolbooth in South Queensferry and up to the Ferrymuir where they were burned at the stake together.


A print of an etching showing a woman with her hands tied and a man questioning her while several other men are standing in the background.  All are in old fashioned dress.
A suspected ‘witch’ being questioned


It is likely that much of the town was caught up in the hysteria of the witch hunt, however not everyone was onboard with it.  John Young and his son, who it seems were relations of Isobel Young and Helen Hill, spoke out against their ‘burning’ and for this were warned by Melville that if they were heard to do so again ‘they shall be fyned most sickerlie.’


Later the parish records record that John Young petitioned Melville for the release of his daughter Margaret who was ‘lying in prison’ after having been accused of being a witch.  Melville and his cronies eventually agreed to release Margaret, on the understanding that she would be banished from the kingdom, that if she were ever to return, she would be burned as a witch, and Young would be fined the sum of ‘fortie pounds’.  Young agreed to this, and Margaret was released.  However, the records then show that at a later session of the church it was ordered that Young be apprehended on sight for failing to carry out their demands, and that he should be imprisoned until he had paid the fine.  There are no records detailing what happened next and we can only hope that both Young and his daughter evaded capture, escaped from the clutches of Melville and lived long and happy lives.


By the end of 1644 the Queensferry Witch Hunt was over, and life returned to some sort of normality for the inhabitants of what was at that time a small fishing town with a busy and bustling harbour.  So, what became of Ephraim Melville you may wonder?  Well, like any good villain, he carried on regardless.  In 1649 he was appointed by the church as a commissioner for visiting the universities of St Andrews and Edinburgh, to distribute endowments to the Professors and other members working there.  Then in 1650 he left the parish at South Queensferry for the much larger and better paying one of Linlithgow. However, it seems there was some dissent amongst church members about his appointment with several objecting to him because ‘of the weakness of his voice.’   I’d like to think that this meant he had a high, squeaky voice or something like that, but there were ructions in the Presbyterian Church at that time, with different factions emerging and so this objection is probably more down to him not being on the same side as those opposing his appointment.  Those in Linlithgow didn’t have to put up with him for too long though, as in April 1653 Melville died.




While out in South Queensferry I had a wander around the Ferrymuir taking in the delightful sights of urban sprawl.  Walking past the Tesco supermarket, I found a little grassy haven along which ran a lichen covered fence, much which must have been there when I was a kid given how old and rotten it was. I left a Skulferatu posed in the lichen, in memory of those women denounced, persecuted, and killed in the South Queensferry Witch Hunt –


Margaret Brown

Elspeth Cant

Margaret Dauline

Marion Dauline

Helen Hill

Marion Little

Catherine Logie

Janet Lowrie

Janet Mowbray

Marion Stein

Catherine Thomson or Antonie

Helen Thomson

Isobel Young


A photo showing an old fence and style in a grassy area with lots of trees in the background. Photo by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project.
A little grassy haven


A photo of a small ceramic skull (Skulferatu 131) being held up with an area of grass and trees in the background. Photo by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project.
Skulferatu #131


A photo showing a small ceramic skull (Skulferatu 131) sitting in lichen on a wooden fence with barbed wire running up above it. Photo by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project.
Skulferatu #131 in a bed of lichen


A close-up photo showing a small ceramic skull (Skulferatu 131) sitting in lichen on a wooden fence with barbed wire running up above it. Photo by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project.
Skulferatu #131 in a bed of lichen


TomTom Map showing location of Skulferatu #131
Map showing location of Skulferatu #131


The coordinates for the location of the Skulferatu are –

Latitude 55.98263
Longitude -3.401452
what3words: dives.dawn.require


I used the following sources for information on the witches of South Queensferry –

Summer life on land and water at South Queensferry
By William Wallace Fyfe
Scotland’s Places
West Lothian OS Name Books, 1855-1859, West Lothian volume 21, OS1/34/21/22
Witchcraft in the ‘Ferry.  Seven Witches Burned.
Linlithgowshire Gazette - Friday 08 November 1901
Ecclesia Antiqua
The History of an Ancient Church (St. Michael's of Linlithgow)
by John Ferguson

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Skulferatu #34 - Tranent Doocot, Dovecot Brae, Tranent, East Lothian


I took a cycle out to Tranent in East Lothian and stopped off along Dovecot Brae, by a crumbling, old building that is now virtually hidden amongst trees and undergrowth.  If it weren’t for the stairs leading up from the road, it would be easy to go right past this place and not even notice it was there.  At first this building, Tranent Doocot, appears to have no great importance or relevance, but there is a dark history associated with the man who ordered its construction.


Stairs leading up to Tranent Doocot, which is almost hidden in the deep green of trees and undergrowth.  Photograph by Kevin Nosferatu for The Skulferatu Project.
Stairs leading up to Tranent Doocot, which is almost hidden in trees and undergrowth



Tranent Doocot – almost hidden in trees and undergrowth.  The Doocot has a dark history associated with the man who ordered its construction, David Setoun or Seton, as he is now known, was one of the main instigators in starting what later became known as the North Berwick Witch Trials.  Photograph by Kevin Nosferatu for The Skulferatu Project.
Tranent Doocot – almost hidden in trees and undergrowth

According to J Sands in his book published in 1881 'Sketches of Tranent in the Olden Times', Tranent Doocot used to bear the name of David Setoun and the date 1587.  In the present day, this inscription is completely illegible, which is not a bad thing given that David Setoun or Seton, as he is now known, was one of the main instigators in starting what later became known as the North Berwick Witch Trials. 


Entrance to Tranent Doocot.  Photograph by Kevin Nosferatu for The Skulferatu Project.
Entrance to Tranent Doocot


Pigeonholes inside the doocot for the birds to nest in.  Photograph by Kevin Nosferatu for The Skulferatu Project.
Pigeonholes inside the doocot for the birds to nest in.


David Seton was the Deputy Bailiff in Tranent to Lord Seton and to make things nice and confusing David Seton also had a son called David.  In various descriptions of him, David Seton Snr appears to be a mean spirited, suspicious man who believed that his woes and financial difficulties were caused by others committing ungodly acts against him.  He, and his family resided in Tranent in a house that was commonly known as the Royal George, and in their employment was a maid servant called Geillis Duncan.   Duncan is believed to have been in her early to mid-teens when employed by Seton and is described as being '...young and comely, and distinguished for her readiness to attend the sick and infirm, and for her wonderful skill in curing diseases.' 
In November 1590 David Seton became suspicious of Duncan’s growing reputation as a healer and became convinced that witchcraft must be involved.  He then questioned her about this, and she denied the accusations.  Not satisfied with this Seton gathered together some associates and together they tortured Duncan.  First, they used an item called the 'pilliwinks' on her, or what we would today call thumbscrews.  These crushed the thumbs and caused great pain.  However, despite this Duncan would not confess.  Seton and his associates then bound and wrenched her head with a rope to cause her extreme agony, but still, she would confess nothing. They then stripped and shaved her and examined her body for the mark of the Devil, as it was believed that those in the service of Satan had a mark put upon them that was insensible to pain and did not bleed when pricked.  On 'finding' this mark on Duncan's neck Seton and his cronies stated that she then admitted that her looking after the sick had been done at the suggestion of the Devil and that her curing of disease was done by witchcraft.  She went on to name thirty accomplices.  Duncan, and all those she had named, were then imprisoned.
Terrified, tormented and tortured those imprisoned soon confessed to a multitude of bizarre crimes including attempting to bring about the death of King James VI.  The strange and wonderful story that emerged was that the coven of witches met in the house of Barbara Napier in Edinburgh.  Napier was a member of Edinburgh high society and was Lady-in-Waiting to the Countess of Angus.  She had fallen out with the Countess and had then supposedly brought about the death of the Earl of Angus through the use of witchcraft.  As well as meeting at Napier’s house, there had been a meeting of around two hundred witches at Acheson's Haven (now Morrison's Haven, Prestongrange) and later another meeting at the Kirk of North Berwick.  The Devil presided over these gatherings and Dr John Fian, a schoolteacher from Prestonpans, acted as the secretary.  The coven had met to devise a plan to destroy the ship that carried the newly married King James and his wife Anne from Denmark to Leith.  At one of these meetings another member of Edinburgh high society, Euphame MacCalzean, handed a waxen image of King James to the Devil and hinted that the Earl of Bothwell, with whom she was closely connected, would be the new king.
After the meeting at North Berwick a group of witches and wizards set sail in sieves to meet the Royal ship.  During their voyage they boarded a passing ship and after helping themselves to food and drink, sunk it.  They then carried on with their voyage and on sighting the Royal ship the Devil handed a cat, that had earlier been baptised, to Dr Fian and ordered him to throw it into the sea and cry 'Halo!'  On his doing this a tremendous storm arose and being convinced that nothing but a miracle could save the Royal ship from destruction, the Devil and all those gathered returned to North Berwick.  There they marched with their sieves in their hands to the Kirk.  Geillis Duncan led the procession playing a quick step on the Jews Harp.  At the Kirk they all entered, and the Devil preached a sermon to them from the pulpit.  He asked all those assembled to do all the evil in their power and that if they did so, they'd be handsomely rewarded.  He then bent over the pulpit and asked those assembled to kiss his buttocks as a token of their allegiance.  They all did so before making their way out into the churchyard where they feasted on the dead and were given parts of human bodies by the Devil as powerful charms.  Geillis Duncan then played a reel on the Jews Harp called - 'Cummer, go ye before Cummer, go ye.'
All those seized and accused of witchcraft were tortured horribly to make them confess to their roles in the plot.  Dr Fian, the alleged secretary to the Devil and cat thrower, had his legs crushed in the 'bootikens' until 'the blood and marrow spouted out'.  His fingernails were then pulled out and pins pushed into his fingers, however unlike many of the others, he refused to confess to anything. 
King James took a keen interest in all the proceedings of these witch trials, as he fully believed that an attempt had been made on his life by Satan and his little helpers.  Though why Satan would be interested in the King of a small, poor country at the arse end of Europe is anyone's guess.  You would have thought that given the chaos that would later be caused by King James' son Charles, that the Devil would have been only too keen to keep James and his offspring on the throne.  Though maybe, unlike God, the Devil does not reside outside of time and is therefore unaware of what is to come.  Anyway, getting back to the story - King James attended to see the witnesses examined and put to torture and also had Geillis Duncan brought to Holyrood Palace in Edinburgh.  There he had her play the reel on the Jews Harp that she had played for the Devil and all the assembled witches and wizards at North Berwick.
Various trials then took place and on 26 December 1590 John Fian was tried and found guilty of numerous charges including being involved in the plot against King James.  He was sentenced to death and it appears that he may have been taken to Castle Hill and strangled and burned there later on the same day.
Barbara Napier was tried and found guilty of consulting with witches and was sentenced to death.  On 10 May 1591 she was taken to Castle Hill, Edinburgh where she was bound to a stake to be strangled and burned.  However, she claimed to be pregnant and was given a stay of execution.  It is unclear what then happened to her.
Euphame MacCalzean was found guilty of being a witch and consulting with witches.  She was sentenced to death, though cruelly and unusually was sentenced to death by being burned alive.  The sentence was carried out on Castle Hill on the 25 June 1591.
No trial records have ever been recovered for Geillis Duncan.  However, she was convicted of witchcraft and was executed on 4 December 1591 at Castle Hill in Edinburgh, presumably like the others by being strangled and then burned to ashes.  She was executed along with Bessie Thomson, another woman convicted of witchcraft, and both recanted their confessions prior to execution.  On being asked why she had confessed and named others such as Barbara Napier and Euphame MacCalzean in her confessions Duncan stated that she had been made to by the two David Setons in Tranent and others, but that it was all lies and for this she begged God's forgiveness.
Many of those named by Duncan went on to name others involved in the so called plot against the King, and by 1593 over 70 people had been implicated and many had been executed.  Now, I may be being very cynical about the reasons for many of these people being accused, as I am aware that there were many religious, political, and socio-economic things going on at this time.  However, it is very interesting to note that Dr John Fian had been in a long running dispute with David Seton, while Euphame MacCalzean was Seton’s sister-in-law.  Seton was angry with her, as she had inherited money from a relative that he thought should have been bequeathed to him.  So, at the very least Seton would appear to be guilty of capitalising on a situation, he had started, for revenge against enemies, perceived and real.
*           *           *
Tranent Doocot stands near to Tranent Old Parish Church and was built to house 1122 pairs of pigeons.  The pigeons were a good supply of fresh meat for the local population, who would take the young pigeons, as their meat was the most tender and juicy.  The building has been partially restored but is again in a state of disrepair.  I'm glad that the name of David Seton has faded from this building, as it is a name that deserves to be forgotten.  Instead let us remember the names of those who died in an age of paranoia, religious intolerance, and political intrigue.


Tranent Old Parish Church with Doocot on right hand side.  Photograph by Kevin Nosferatu for The Skulferatu Project.
Tranent Old Parish Church with Doocot on right hand side


I left a Skulferatu here for Geillis Duncan and all the others who were persecuted and murdered for imaginary crimes created in the overactive imaginations of jealous or malicious peers and a paranoid ruling class.


Skulferatu #34 outside Tranent Doocot.  Photograph by Kevin Nosferatu for The Skulferatu Project.
Skulferatu #34


Skulferatu #34 in hollow of wall at Tranent Doocot.  Photograph by Kevin Nosferatu for The Skulferatu Project.
Skulferatu #34 in hollow of wall at Tranent Doocot


Skulferatu #34 in hollow of wall at Tranent Doocot.  Photograph by Kevin Nosferatu for The Skulferatu Project.
Skulferatu #34 in hollow of wall at Tranent Doocot



Google map showing location of Skulferatu #34 at Tranent Doocot
Map showing location of Skulferatu #34


The coordinates for the location of the Skulferatu are –


Latitude 55.950036

Longitude -2.957936


I used the following sources for the tale of Geillis Duncan -


Witchcraft in Early Modern Scotland

edited by Lawrence Normand and Gareth Roberts (2000)


Sketches of Tranent in the Olden Times

by J Sands (1881)

Available digitally at


Tranent and its Surroundings

by P McNeill (1884)


Geillis Duncan, Witch


Wikipedia - Morrison's Haven

Morrison's Haven - Wikipedia



Article and photographs are copyright of © Kevin Nosferatu, unless otherwise stated.

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Skulferatu #18 - The Site of Major Thomas Weir's House, Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh


On a cold, damp, and dreich day I trudged around the empty streets of Edinburgh’s old town.  Well, when I say empty, what I mean is there was hardly anyone else out walking the streets, but there were workmen everywhere.  At the moment every second building seems to be shrouded in scaffolding and protective sheets of polythene.  When the Covid is over it looks like we’re going to have a shiny, newly refurbished city to run around in. 


So anyway, today I walked up the Canongate into the High Street and onto the Lawnmarket where I turned into Riddles Court.  This place is one of the architectural gems of old Edinburgh, however I wasn’t here to see quaint old buildings, but rather the dull back wall of the Quaker Meeting House.  A dull back wall steeped in the history of a notorious figure in Edinburgh- Major Thomas Weir.  His is a story of hypocrisy, cruelty, bigotry, sexual depravity, and supposedly black magic and pacts with the Devil.


The Site of Major Thomas Weir's House, Edinburgh.  Entrance into Riddle’s Court, Edinburgh by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project
Entrance into Riddle’s Court, Edinburgh


The Site of Major Thomas Weir's House, Edinburgh. Riddle’s Court – the lower building in background is reputed to be the remains of Major Weirs House. Photo by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project
Riddle’s Court – the lower building in background is reputed to be the remains of Major Weirs House.


Thomas Weir was born in 1599 in Lanarkshire.  He was the son of Thomas Weir, the Laird of Kirkton and his wife, Lady Jean Somerville.  His mother was reputed to have clairvoyant powers and was said to have taught her son the art of sorcery.  As a young man, Thomas joined the Scottish Army and in 1641 served in Ulster protecting the Scottish settlers there.  Before returning to Edinburgh, he is believed to have fought at the Battle of Benburb in 1646 when the Scots were defeated by the Irish Confederate army. 


Thomas was described as being a tall, thin man with a big nose who always looked severe and gloomy.  He dressed in black and wore a long, black cloak.  He always carried a staff with him wherever he went. He was a Covenanter, a strict Presbyterian and anti-Royalist and by all accounts was a humourless zealot, and a religious bigot, who was given to preaching and praying.  Amongst the other Covenanters he gained a reputation for being very pious and many gathered around him for private prayer meetings.  It is written of him that - ‘He had acquir’d a particular Gracefulness in Whining and Sighing, above any of the sacred Clan; and had learn’d to deliver himself upon all serious occasions, in a far more ravishing Accent than any of their ministers could attain unto.’   Amongst some of those who attended his prayer meetings Thomas was known as ‘Angelical Thomas’, as he seemed to them to be more angel than man.  Locally, he and those he met with were referred to somewhat sarcastically as the ‘Bow-Head Saints.’   The name coming from their perceived piety and that they usually met in the home Thomas shared with his sister Jane, near the top of the West Bow in Edinburgh. 


In 1650 Thomas was appointed to the rank of Major in the Edinburgh Town Guard.  During this time there he was very active in seeking out and imprisoning Royalists and gained a reputation for cruelty in the way he treated his prisoners.  It was said that he would insult and ‘triumph over’ those sentenced to death and would laugh and make sarcastic remarks to those on their way to the gallows.


After retiring from the Edinburgh Town Guard, Thomas fell ill with a severe sickness.  In 1670, from his sick bed, he began to make a series of confessions.  These were that he had been for many years in an incestuous relationship with his sister Jane, that he had committed adultery with many women, fornicated with beasts and had made a pact with the devil to be kept safe from harm. Those in his church were very worried by these confessions, and fearing the scandal they would cause, sought to keep them quiet.  However, rumours about Thomas were soon circulating around Edinburgh.  One of the ministers of his church then informed the Lord Provost, Sir Andrew Ramsay of Abbotshall, of Weir’s confessions.


On hearing of the horrendous crimes that Thomas had accused himself of, the Lord Provost at first refused to believe it could be possible and assumed him to be mad.  He asked two doctors to attend Thomas and see what mental ailment he was suffering from, however after examining him they concluded he was not mentally ill, but rather suffering from a guilty conscience.  This was then confirmed to the Lord Provost by several of the ministers from the church in which Thomas had preached, who stated that he was suffering from ‘the terrors of God, which were upon his soul.’


Given what he had been told, the Lord Provost ordered that Thomas, and his sister Jane be taken to the public gaol at the Tolbooth.  When the guards seized them at their home, Jane told the guards not to let Thomas get hold of his staff, as it was given to him by the Devil and had certain powers.  The brother, sister and the staff were all then taken to the Tolbooth.


While in prison Thomas confessed to committing adultery with some of the most devout women from his church and told how he had persuaded and seduced them.  He then told of one devout woman who had refused his advances, with help from the Devil he had entered her home and found her in bed.  She had then awoken and caused a great scene so, again with the help of the Devil, he had fled.  This woman had then fallen into a great melancholy and depression and died a few weeks later.  Thomas went on to confess that the Devil appeared to him as a beautiful woman and that his staff, a gift from the Devil, was what gave him the power to be so eloquent in prayer.


In prison Jane confessed that she had been an accomplice to her brother’s crimes and went on to tell a tale that in September 1648, she and her brother had been transported from Edinburgh to Musselburgh and back again in a flaming coach pulled by six horses.  In Musselburgh they had met with the Devil who told Thomas that the Royalist and Scots army had been defeated in Preston (Battle of Preston – 17 to 19 August 1648, when the Royalists and Scots, commanded by the Duke of Hamilton, were defeated by the New Model Army under the command of Oliver Cromwell).  This meant that Weir was aware of this event several days before the news arrived back in Edinburgh.  He used this knowledge to make people believe he had the spirit of prophesy. Jane said that she had gained little from their dalliances with the Devil, but she did have a familiar spirit who had spun her enormous quantities of yarn, more yarn than four women together could have spun.


On 9 April 1670 Thomas and Jane appeared for trial.  The charges against Thomas all related to incest, adultery, and bestiality.  The charges against Jane related to incest with her brother, committing sorcery and witchcraft and consulting with witches, necromancers, and devils.  Various witnesses were called, and they mainly confirmed the admissions that Thomas had made to them.  However, another of Thomas’s sisters was called as a witness and she stated that when Thomas was around 27 years of age, she had found him and her sister Jane naked together in bed and that the ‘bed did shake’, and she heard some ‘scandalous language between them’.  Evidence was also given that Thomas had committed incest with the daughter of his first wife, now deceased.   It was then declared to the court that in the year 1651 or 1652 there had been a report that Thomas had committed bestiality with a mare and had been seen by a witness to do this.


Thomas then spoke to the court and admitted to the charges against him.  In regard to the act of bestiality with the Mare, he admitted to this and said that the matter had been reported, as a woman had seen him and gone to tell a local minister.  He had later been seized by some soldiers but was freed, as they could find no evidence against him.  The woman who had made the allegation was then whipped as a punishment for slandering him.


Thomas was found guilty of all the charges against him and was sentenced to death.  The Judge ordered that on the 11 April 1670 he be taken and strangled at the stake and his body then burnt to ashes.  His staff was to be burned with him.  Jane was found guilty of the charge of incest and was also sentenced to death.  The Judge ordered that she be hanged at the Grassmarket the day after her brother was executed.


On 11 April 1670 Thomas was taken to Gallowlee, between Edinburgh and Leith.  There, before the sentence was carried out, he was asked to request God’s mercy.  To this Thomas replied – ‘Let me alone.  I will not.  I have lived as a beast, and I must die as a beast.’  He was then strangled, and his body burnt along with his staff.


Jane was hanged in the Grassmarket the next day.  As the rope was placed around her neck, she tried to strip off her clothing.  One of the presiding officials was so scandalised by this that he told the hangman to hurry up and get the job done.  For this Jane slapped him about the face, before being ‘thrown over’ and hanged. 


For years after, the house the Weirs had lived in was used during the day by various businesses, but no-one would stay the night in it.  It was believed to be haunted by Thomas and the devils and spirits he had summoned.  Those who lived nearby said that at night terrible noises came through the walls of the house and anyone passing by would hear what sounded like a crowd of ghouls and demons howling and spinning and dancing.  Some even told tales of seeing Thomas, in the dead of night, leaving the house to mount a headless black horse and ride off into the darkness.  One couple were enticed to stay the night in the house, but fled in terror after a demonic calf entered their bedroom and stood by their bed staring at them.


Scary stuff or what!!! 


The house was eventually torn down to make way for a new building and the Quaker Meeting House on Victoria Terrace, by Upper Bow now stands upon part of the land where the house once was.


View up Victoria Street, Edinburgh to Quaker Meeting HousePhoto by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project
View up Victoria Street to Quaker Meeting House


Quaker Meeting House – encompasses part of land that Major Weir’s House stood on.  Photo by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project
Quaker Meeting House – encompasses part of land that Major Weir’s House stood on

View of Quaker Meeting House from Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh.  Photo by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project
View of Quaker Meeting House from Victoria Terrace


As there was no access to the back wall of the Weir’s house, I walked round to Victoria Street and up the steps to Victoria Terrace.  There I left the Skulferatu that had accompanied me on today’s walk on a ledge above a pillar at the front of the building.  Its silent scream can join in with those from the demons who reside here at night.

Skulferatu #18 at Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh.  Photo by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project
Skulferatu #18


Skulferatu #18 on stone ledge at site of Major Weir’s house, Edinburgh.  Photo by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project
Skulferatu #18 on stone ledge at site of Major Weir’s house

Skulferatu #18 on stone ledge at site of Major Weir’s house, Edinburgh.Photo by Kevin Nosferatu for the Skulferatu Project
Skulferatu #18 on stone ledge at site of Major Weir’s house


Google Map - site of Major Weir’s house, Edinburgh
Google Map showing location of Skulferatu


The coordinates for the location of the Skulferatu are:


Latitude 55.948816

Longitude -3.193375


I used the following sources for the tale of Major Weir – 


The Spirit of Fanaticism exemplified in the trials of Mr James Mitchell (a Presbyterian Minister, who was Hang’d at Edinburgh, for an Attempt made upon the Archbishop of St. Andrews) and Major Thomas Weir (a Gifted Brother at the Knack of Extempore Prayer) who was Burnt between Edinburgh and Leith April 11th, 1670 for Adultery, Bestiality with a Mare and a Cow, and Incest with his own Sister, who was likewise Hang’d the next Day after him.

Published, London 1710

Available on Google Books

Note: Reading this document does make one see the story of Major Weir in a different light from the tale normally told.  If the Devil and witchcraft aspects are put to one side, then the tale of Major Weir is one of a sexual predator who has sexually abused and taken advantage of those around him, including his young stepdaughter.  He has used his position within his faith to badger and harass women to have sex with him and his actions appear to have caused the death of one of the female followers of his faith.  Also, his sister Jane can be seen as someone who has been destroyed by years of abuse, someone driven mad by her brother’s lusts.  It is interesting how in the main she is the one who when questioned talks of witchcraft and devils, almost as a way of explaining her brother.  Or could it be that Thomas used stories of his pact with the Devil to control her and keep her silence about his sexual proclivities?  It is something we will never know.  It does appear that the pacts with the Devil, the witchcraft and other magical elements of this tale have been embellished over the years, especially by later writers who have removed or lessened the sexual aspects to Weir’s crimes.)


Satan’s Invisible World Discovered

by George Sinclair 

Published, Edinburgh 1779

Available on Google Books


Old and New Edinburgh, Volume 1

Published 1883

by James Grant


Edinburgh and the Lothians (Chapter XVI)

By Francis Watt

Published 1912

Available at


Wikipedia article on Major Thomas Weir

Article and photographs are copyright of © Kevin Nosferatu, unless otherwise specified.